Nollywood actress, Omotala Jalade Ekeinde shared never before story about her first daughter Princess. She reveals the story on her IG page as she celebrate her 21st birthday. Read her post below #Repost from @realomosexy with ... #wcw She was barely a year,she started running a temperature,can’t remember how many hours anymore... she is our first child and we had not much experience. Gave her some medication didn’t seem to get better...suddenly,she slipped into what seemed to be a COMA. I panicked,we all did... neighbors everyone screaming and suggesting all sorts.... she was clenching her teeth fiercely, an Old woman we knew in the neighborhood suggested to put a spoon and pour SALT into her mouth (Totally wrong move)"Pls cold shower”... We rushed her to the hospital and at first, the doctors were a bit reluctant ( I guess they thought it was a lost case) however, almost without much hurry she was worked on and miraculously,she came back! She had prio...